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Awards - Criticisms/Reviews

Paola Trevisan (art critic)
"The anthropomorphism of the tree arises from the harmonious fusion and combination of two faces representing man and woman, whose union gives rise to a new life, a theme also recalled by the title; the two painted faces, barely visible, create a 'interesting relationship of colours, rhythms and shapes. The painting expresses a positive force that suggests how the artist knows how to propose and develop themes that are foreign to much contemporary painting often aimed at the use of languages and codes belonging to a chaotic, devoid of rules".
Paola Trevisan (art critic)
"Painting set inside a night club where nothing is left to the sensuality of the dancing women who move sinuously under the greedy but cold eyes of the spectators who have become similar to ghosts; analyzing this work, it is clear that some Munchian echoes are certainly not unrelated , although with less dramatic tones. This figurative painting is not limited to pursuing an objective reproduction of reality, a theme which nevertheless remains central in Mameli's research, but sometimes also becomes the recreation made by the artist himself in a personal and subjective way".

Dantebus Editions
"The artist's intriguing painting is the means and the modus to reveal and shout to the world the truth of one's being. On the one hand, art is truth, as it allows one to affirm the true self; on the other, brushstroke after brushstroke painting also allows you to discover yourself and "embrace yourself whole again" as Alda Merini wrote.
The work becomes a painting of strong denunciation against the pre-compiled schemes, the depersonalising and false rules and canons, imposed by international globalization which, in the name of a reckless and spasmodic search for profit, has reduced man to chains and a large part of countries in enslaving poverty. Thus, a large iron cross stands out inside a cube - which provides an excellent 3D vision - covered by an infinite series of flags, as if they were a colorful wallpaper. The American flag appears in the background, with the head of the (lost) "Statue of Liberty", with a strong criticism of the world economy".
Anna Soricaro (art critic)
ROOM 237
"A checkerboard floor and the silhouette of a man on the run are the first elements of the work that emerge at first glance. The well-defined outline of the room, the painting on the wall and the entire scene represented outline a pleasant and original work, innovative and exemplary".

Dr. Rosanna Chetta (art critic and curator of ArtExpò Gallery)
"Paintings with a metaphysical character, they transcend the boundaries of everyday perception and idealize messages of intuitive emotional essences. His compositions are an indication of creative inspiration, with experimentation with volumes and colors, to highlight animated and fusions of intuitions and memories".

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